This Is The End, Or Are We Just Getting Started!!!!!

It’s a bitter sweet end to the semester, sweet because well it’s the end of the semester and we’ll have a bit longer of a break until next semester. Bitter because well I had fun in the class, I learned that we have a lot of resources at our disposal to reach millions of people at the stoke of the keys on a keyboard or in the palm of our hands. This class gave me some self esteem to put my ideas out there in the world wide web for other people to dissect.

In our group we chose to create our module on YouTube, we chose it because everything else was taken hahaha just kidding. We chose it because we all agreed on doing the module on YouTube It is an interesting way to connect to the world by uploading and sharing your daily life, hobbies, and even learning things. I have used YouTube as my personal math tutor it has helped me a lot in that area.

 I think we all wanted to learn a bit more about YouTube. It was covered in class, but I think it needed a little more time on the subject. I for one wanted to learn how to upload videos and edit them, may be this is the wrong class for, but I think we would have benefited out of it.

For the final group project, we all took the initiative and just picked an assignment that we were sure we were going to do right. I picked the discussion part of the module to complete, I picked this because I think it is interesting to see what other students have to say about a certain subject. But then we had a small mix up and I ended up taking the assignment part of the module, I didn’t mind as long as everything was completed. Everything turned out great in our project! We had worked together before, so I think it gave us some sort of comfort that it would get done and we didn’t need to be babysitting each other to complete the assignment.

Our audience would mostly consist of students between the ages of 18 - 34, trying to take a class that was going to be challenge but fun. That’s what I thought when I signed up for the class, but little did I know it was a lot of hard work. But the hard work was balanced because it was fun hard work. I looked forward to my peers giving me constructive criticism. The audience would also include students that already know how to upload and edit videos, maybe they could assist in their own group projects?

To create an assignment for this module was simple. It was simple because we had so many examples throughout the semester including the ones we did as assignments for this class. In our assignment we decided it would be good to first start off with creating a YouTube account and then uploading a video about yourself and what you intended to get of this class.

Viewing videos on TED was great, I did not know of this site until this class. I really enjoyed watching those videos and discussing them. The one that I really like it the one about twitter and how you can tweet something and suddenly it goes viral and their goes your reputation, your career and before you know it death threats. It is a scary world out there where you can be judged by your beliefs and not judged by your character.


  1. Thanks for all the work you've done in this class! I hope you learned something about how to use Social Media in a more responsible and ethical way.

    Have a great holiday!


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