
Showing posts from November, 2017


READY SET TWEET The Twitter competition, what can I say it was a slight failure. I tried my best to get as many followers as possible but only managed to get 20 followers. I stared to tweet about things that interested me hoping to find people that would follow me. First, I began getting followers through classmates, I think that is where I got the most followers from. I followed them they followed me. Then I started with posting pics of my truck which I started working on about two weeks ago. That got me a couple of followers but not that many. Then I started retweeting headlines from news stations across the country but that didn’t yield much better results. I got some random followers that were a little strange to say the least. One of my follower’s tweets, I can’t even understand what he is saying because it’s in a different language!!! but @Alvitoe78 does have 1,299 followers. I also tried using catchy phrases and hashtags, and that did not seem to work either. Not eve

Shame On You

Cyber shaming / bullying is by far easier than ever to do. We now have access to numerous social media platforms, platforms that can reach millions of people at the click of a button. Jon Ronson discusses two separate incidents that occurred. First, he discussed what had happened to Jonah Lehrer which he himself was caught plagiarizing and faking quotes. While giving a speech at a foundation trying to restore his credentials he was publicly shamed in front of his audience through Twitter.   When you have the world at your fingertips and at the stroke of a few keys, you seem invincible, you’re on top of the world with nothing to hide and nothing to hold you back. People sit behind a computer screen or hold devices in their hands shame people that they do not even know. They make a judgment call on the persons words not knowing what they are trying to say. Instead they are quick to judge and shame a person hiding behind a screen waiting for other people to join in.    In the se

Will The Real News Please Stand Up

Where do most of us get our news from? Chances are you and I go to Facebook. Although when we get our news from Facebook it is most likely tailored to us from behind the scenes. Facebook has created entertainment news, news that is click bait. Homepage hits have dropped drastically like the article states Thompson 2014. In the last twelve months, traffic from home pages has dropped significantly across many websites while social media's share of clicks has more than doubled, according to a 2013 review of the BuzzFeed Partner Network, a conglomeration of popular sites including BuzzFeed, the New York Times, and Thought Catalog. Audiences get new stories from all sorts of outlets, the local news on tv, news app on our smartphones, newspapers, and tabloids. While the news we get on television is mostly accurate, you can bet some of the news on the internet has some false information inserted into it. But chances are that we see these headlines that interest us while we shop